C3 Summit Demographics & Audience Profile: 2012-2022

Average Age: Male / Female: Average HHI:
45.8 62% / 38% $156,100
  Comp %
College+Graduate Degree: 87%
Top Management: 84%
Business Owner/Partners: 69%
Business Decision Makers: 87%
IT/Operations Decision Makers: 74%
Financial/Management Decision Makers: 89%
2012-2022 C3 Summit Study: Conducted by MarketResearch (1015 respondents combined)

Attendee Reasons for Participating/Exhibiting at C3 Summits 2012-2022

  • To seek contacts for future business - 86.0%
  • To meet existing clients or partners - 72.3%
  • To raise profile of company/organization - 57.2%
  • To explore new business - 61.5%
  • To look for a local partner - 67.8%
  • To support local existing partner - 51.1%
  • To monitor/learn about competition - 66.1%
  • To measure the Middle East market for potential business - 88.3%

Attendee "Satisfaction" Research re: C3 Summits 2012-2022

  • 98% of attendees rated the C3 Summits as good to excellent
  • 97% of attendees stated the C3 Summits exceeded their expectations
  • 96% of attendees found the C3 Summits successful in meeting their business objectives
  • 96% of attendees would like to attend C3 Summit 2019
  • 94% of attendees improved their business profile in the region
  • 87% of attendees planned to discuss opportunities with up to 3 attendees
  • 83% of attendees established contacts for future business relationships